Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Broken Dream

                                                  When she was a little girl
                                                  she had a beautiful dream
                                                  to live in a grown up world
                                                  and wake up feeling like a queen

                                                  She dreamed of a happy home
                                                  with a family by her side
                                                  a wonderful, loving husband
                                                  to fill her heart with pride

                                                  She never dreamed of the bad
                                                  as a child she never knew
                                                  of the black and blue bruises
                                                  each day she carried that grew

                                                  Somewhere in her confused mind
                                                  she knew something was very wrong
                                                  but the loving, devoted wife
                                                  still dreamed of a happy home

                                                  Like the timid, little girl
                                                  she blamed herself in part
                                                  for not doing as she should
                                                  to please her husband's heart

                                                  She did everything he wanted
                                                  she folded his laundry just right
                                                  cooked his meals on time
                                                  hoping the flames wouldn't ignite

                                                  Each day the scars grew
                                                  and the secrets she held within
                                                  each time he said I love you
                                                  I promise it won't happen again

                                                  Her closet became a refuge
                                                  a sleeping, little girl in her bed
                                                  the mornings she awakened to
                                                  held nothing more than dread

                                                  A battle was constantly brewing
                                                  inside her troubled mind
                                                  she was so very tired
                                                  just wanting to leave it behind

                                                  A dream is not meant to be broken
                                                  but it shattered one dark day
                                                  she took that dreaded step
                                                  and did it anyway

                                               Susie Swanson

Sorry folks, no happy ending for this one. I tried to find one,but it just wouldn't come. I searched for days to no avail. Sadly, there are not many happy endings for Domestic Violence and Abuse, all we can do is pray.
I want to say that I'm not a victim of Abuse in any form or fashion, and never have been. I have the most wonderful, loving husband in the world. God  blessed me tremendously and for that I'm so grateful and blessed.
I also would like to tell my blogger friends that I'm having trouble getting comments to go through and hope it gets worked out soon. So please be patient with me if I don't comment on your posts. I read them everyday and hate it so bad when I can't comment. To my good friend Delisa, I'm sorry I haven't replyed back..But I'm thinking of you so much and the rest of the gang as well..
To all of my wonderful  friends I miss you and will be back soon..Blessings, Susie


  1. Sadly, sometimes there is no happy ending. Well written poem, Susie. Very moving.

  2. Unfortunately, that is life, Susie. We can't always expect a happy ending. Very well-written.

  3. A member of my family was abused as a child by a family friend and it still rears it's ugly head at times. Excellent poem.well written. Thanks for highlighting this impotant issue.


  4. Thankfully, I grew up, not knowing there was such a thing as abuse. Is it getting worse, or do we just hear about it more now?

    Today I've had a little trouble with my comments too; it is frustrating.

  5. Sad, but unhappily something that seems to be happening a lot. Just makes you want to cry.

  6. This is a powerful poem about a serious problem. But we do need to be reminded that this problem exists, so I thank you for this post.

  7. Hi Susie, this poem was very deep and meaningful. The fact that it didn't have a happy ending, shows the true seriousness of the problem. Abuse like that, while it may not kill the body all at once, can destroy a person's capacity to hope or see a way out. It makes people too frightened and feel too unworthy to seek help.

    I have a friend that I grew up with, who stayed married for 25 years to a man who abused her so much emotionally that she didn't know which end was up and her happy, unique spirit was almost crushed. She was so ashamed that anyone could say and do those kinds of things to her that she hid it from the all of us who could have helped her. Thankfully her story has a happy ending, but it could have gone just as easily the other way. It scares me how close we came to losing her and we didn't even know it!

    Sorry to hear about your blogger problems! Back at the login page after you put your address and password, there is a little box that you can click if you want to stay signed in. I have heard several people say that if they go back and unclick the box, they can comment again. My husband said that also it might help to turn your computer off and restart everything again. Some people leave their computers running all the time. I hope that helps, I know you'll be up and running again soon. Have a happy saturday! Delisa :)

  8. It is sad that this does exist in so many cases today. I wish every case could have a happy ending.

  9. A hard core truth. Sadly, being really prevalent in my nation, it offers the same distressed ending. I wish a change!
