Thursday, January 10, 2013

Angels Walk Among Us

                                                Angels walk among us, here for a time
                                                With wings swift and free as the wild birds fly
                                                Strumming their harps so divine
                                                They are not gone, loved ones never die

                                                Their unseen presence is here to stay
                                                As certain as the stars at night and dawn
                                                To lift us when we stumble each day
                                                With assurance to grow and stay strong

                                                 If we could see beyond a sorrow
                                                 Beyond a present grief, as God can see
                                                 We would then know that some tomorrow
                                                 Will still hold promises for you and me

                                                 When the valleys are low and almost dark
                                                  Look towards the sky of endless blue
                                                 Where the hills are gold with light
                                                 And the angels play music brand new

                                                 Dance to the lyrics of beautiful melodies
                                                 Through many a lonesome and dreary day
                                                 May it fill your heart with love and peace
                                                 Knowing they are just a memory away

                                                  Susie Swanson, 2013

There's quite a few people that I know that's struggling with sickness and grief.. I wrote this one with all in mind that they can with God's help find some peace.. I also want to add that I've been quite sick this week with some kind of bug.. To top it off I've got Larangitis too..I have been taking over the counter stuff and it's not working so I'm starting an antibiotic for my Larangitis and tightness in my chest.. I may not get around to all of your posts for a while but I want each one to know I haven't forgot you and I look so forward to it as soon as I'm able.. Thank you all in advance for the sweet and encouraging words on mine.. Ya'll take care and Stay Well.. Blessings, Susie


  1. So sorry your sick. Take a glove of garlic crushed 3 times a day with food. Crush it and mix with a spoonful of honey,syrup or applesauce. Its the best antibiotic!!! You can even make garlic tea. (google the recipe)

    Get Well
    Amber KY

    1. Thank you so much Amber.. I knew Garlic was good for healing.. I will try this..

  2. A beautiful poem Susie. Thank you!

    I hope you feel better soon!

  3. The last stanza of your poem is especially beautiful to me. Thanks for sharing.

    Hope you are feeling better real soon!

  4. I hate to hear you're not feeling well! Rest, rest, rest -- we'll wait and pray you'll be better soon.

  5. That is a comforting poem, Susie. You have a loving heart. Hope you are well soon!

  6. Beautiful poem, Susie... sorry you're not feeling well~ sickness has been going around my family too and it has been very bad.
    I pray you feel better soon!

    1. Thank you Paula.. Hope all of you get well soon.Prayers for sure.

  7. I am so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, Susie. I hope you are feeling better soon. Lovely and reassuring poem that you wrote here. Very nice.

  8. Such a beautiful poem that brings comfort to the soul. Love it very much. Love your writing you are so very gifted and talented.
    Blessings my sweet friend

    1. Thank you Bethe.. I love your writing.. It's an inspiration to me.

  9. Hi Susie, I'm so sorry to hear that you are sick again. You sure have had a time of it this year. I hope the medicine is beginning to work for you and that you are feeling a little better each day. This is such a beautiful poem, so caring and compassionate. The last stanza really reminded me of my mother because she always loved to dance. Even when she was in her wheelchair she would move her hands to the music. Sometimes I would turn up the music and dance around her chair, it would always make her laugh. It does help in times of sorrow to know that that there is still so much beauty and goodness around us. That we can see the personality of our heavenly Father in all of his creations, his love and his desire for us to be happy. And that he too holds all our loved ones in his memory. Have a lovely sunday! With Love, Delisa :) P.S. Since I can't be there I'll send you some "pretend" chicken soup and a plate of hot biscuits! Feel better soon!

    1. So happy you enjoyed it and glad to hear from you.Thank you for the Pretend Chicken Soup..

  10. Very nice poem:) I hope your angel knocks that bug and laryngitis right out of you! Just in case, I'll hold healing thoughts for you:) Feel better!

  11. Thank you for the beautiful poem, Susie. Praying you feel much better soon!
