Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Morning Prayer

                                                       In the still of the morning air
                                                       a calm peace does descend
                                                       I find myself renewed in strength
                                                       to greet my day again

                                                       And no day is unmeetable
                                                       if on rising my first thought
                                                       is to Thank God for his blessings
                                                       and loving, care he has brought

                                                       Susie Swanson,2012

I want to say Happy Valentine's Day to all of my loyal, and wonderful friends. I also want to tell everyone that I will be gone from Blogger for a little while as there is sickness in my family. My brother is in the hospital with a possible heart attack, (don't know for sure yet) and my brother in law is in another hospital with kidney failure and they are starting him on Dialysis..It has been an ongoing thing for him since last summer..He has Diabetics..My brother was admitted  with very severe pain in his stomach and chest. They are doing the Catherization today ..On top of all this, I've been sick with  cold/flu like symptons for over a week..Nothing out of the ordinary there, as everyone already knows that stuff is going around..I just need some time right now to take of everything and hopefully will be back soon. Please be praying for my family and I'm already praying for yours.. we all need prayers.. there are so many in worse shape and I thank God each day for letting me get out of bed..Be back soon and May God Bless Each One of you...Blessings, Susie


  1. We will keep you and your family members in our prayers, Susie.

  2. I hope that both your brother and your brother in law get back to normal health and I wish you fast recovery from flu symptoms. You guys will be on my mind.
    thanks for sharing the poem. It is really nice:)

  3. Yes, it's a wonderful poem. I'll miss you, but everyone needs a little time to deal with more important things.

  4. Oh Susie,
    prayers and thoughts for healing for everyone and hoping you get through the crud that is plaguing you!
    Love the poem and you are being well cared for...
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Prayers for your family, Susie. Take care.

  6. Thats another great poem Mom, I have been praying hard.

  7. I am your 80th member and you are my 8th.

    How cool is that!
    Looking forward to having a good read through your blog when I get the chance.

  8. Susie, it sounds like you have a lot of people in your life right now that need prayer... I will definitely keep these requests close to my heart. And take care of yourself... I hope you feel better soon! ((HUGS))

  9. Yes, indeed I will pray. You're a blessing. That poem is so true, and as you keep that positive attitude, God will surely move in your behalf!

  10. Said a prayer for you just before I posted this, Susie, but I'll say more. By the way, I tried several times with that friend connect thing on Facebook, but it would never work right for me. Facebook is kind of a farce anyway, it seems to me. It almost never works like it should.

  11. Thank you all sooo much for the prayers and I want to give a quick update.. My brother is having By Pass Heart Surgery tomorrow...he only has one artery that's not clogged..they said he was a Time Bomb..My brother in law is undergoing surgery as we speak..so please keep the prayers coming and I will be gone after today and don't know when I'll be back on here..love you all and thanks again for your prayers..

  12. Hi Susie, I'm so sorry that your family is going through such a difficult time. I will be thinking about you and praying for you all. Take good care of yourself too my friend and know that we will all be here waiting for you when you get back. With Love, Delisa

    1. Thank you Delisa, hope you are feeling better..been praying for you..hugs sent your way..

  13. Hi There, Just stopping by to say HI.... Hope you had a great Valentine's Day. We had a great trip--but it's nice to get home. I'm trying to catch up on some blog posts...

    So sorry to read about all of the sickness in your family. I will keep them (and you) in my prayers.


    1. Thank you Betsy and for your prayers.Glad you enjoyed your trip..hugs to you my friend..

  14. Susie,
    You are going through so much right now. I do hope everything works out for all. I will say a prayer for you and your family. Take care of yourself, sweetie, and I will be here when you return.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

    1. Awww, thank you Sheri, I appreciate that so much..love to you..

  15. Susie,
    I sure hope you get to feeling better. A cold makes you feel so badly. I'm sorry to hear about your brother and brother-in-law. I sure hope and pray both of them will get well very soon. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thank you Brenda for the prayers.. they are being answered everyday..my cold is lots better, now if we can just get the others well..

  16. Oh Susie, You have my prayers..May God watch over you and yours and care for you all. Much love Crystal xx
