Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Wonders Of Nature

                                               A little deer standing by the roadside
                                               looking back and forth, to and fro
                                               wondering if it should run and hide
                                               and which way it should go

                                               A long neck crane standing in the creek
                                               an awesome sight to see
                                               attempting to grab food, it takes a peek
                                               then flys away with it's large, majestic wings

                                             A large hawk sitting in a tree
                                             looking around for its prey
                                             whatever that may become or be
                                             it'll never have a chance to get away

                                           A strange flock of birds fly in
                                           from some place faraway and unknown
                                           on nature's food they do depend
                                           they're here for a time and then they're gone

                                           A little rabbit sits in the clover
                                           everyday it sits in the same spot
                                           late in the evening when the day is over
                                           I can tell by the clover it never eats alot

                                           A large raccoon visits from time to time
                                           searching for something to eat
                                           up the creek bank he does climb
                                           grabs what he can and runs back to his retreat

                                          A hoot owl makes his presence known
                                          in my yard each and every night
                                          he'll hoot until the break of dawn
                                          and then return again the very next night

                                          The squirrels are never a stranger and always there
                                           running this way and that
                                           hoping the birds will kindly share
                                           each day they grow more big and fat

                                          These wondrous sights my eyes do behold
                                           takes my breath away and fills my heart with pride
                                           to know that nature can be so bold
                                           in a place where I live and abide

                                           © Susie Swanson, 2015


  1. You have very well described the picture in your words. It is very easy to understand...

  2. Susie, I love seeing the creatures of the wild. They are more brazen as their natural habitats are being torn down . Love this poem. Hope you are doing well dear friend. wishing you blessings, xoxo,Susie

    1. Thank you Susie. Same here and we are so blessed to see so many everyday.

  3. Oh how God's wonderful creation sooths our souls and entertains us!
    Because of our Dog Buddy, most of the critters don't come too close when we're outside...but I can watch them from the cottage windows...that's when they come right up close as long as the dogs are inside.
    I'm so glad to come here and see that you are still writing and sharing your wonderful photos, Susie!
    I am praying for you daily, my sweet friend!
    Blessings and love~ Lisa

    1. Thank you Lisa and i'm praying for you as well. I hope you are doing better.

  4. Susie, I am back to leave you this info.. My friend Lynne at Dreams On 34th Street:french bread & family..has a post you need to see and read...Thanks, love,Susie

    1. Thank you Susie. I went to her blog and look forward to following , thanks to you. Hugs

  5. Your photos of the animals and the poetry are fantastic. I loved this posting. You've done a great job capturing the wonder and beauty of nature.

  6. Oh Susie, do you see these animals around your neck of the woods often? They are such curious and amazing animals. I love the little raccoon hehehe, and I've always wanted to see an owl up close. What a delightful poem to express how thankful you are to see these wondrous critters. Nature is truly amazing, and whatever I'm doing, I always seem to find my way back there, as it brings me so much peace.

    Thank you for the sweet animal pictures and for the delightful poem.

    love ~Sheri

  7. It is awe inspiring, isn't it, to see God's creation right in our own neck of the woods. I love seeing the birds. The squirrels? Not so much!

  8. Susie, you have a nice variety of creatures visiting you there. Your poem describes them well. I love spending time in Nature.
