If I wrote a letter to myself
I'd say be friendly and kind
When you're the only one left
Life ain't worth a dime
Be more considerate of others
Smile every now and then
They're all your sisters and brothers
If you can't smile than grin
The man you passed on the street
Needs a few pennies in hand
If he buys wine the gesture was sweet
Remember to do all you can
Don't straddle the fence to long
You're either this way or that
Go for your dreams and move on
Life can be gone in a second flat
Don't fret over how you look
God's plan was to be only you
Not someone on the cover of a book
Someone that's not honest or true
Self conscious is your biggest flaw
Get rid of those hang ups galore
Wrinkles are not against the law
You're not a young chicken anymore
And don't lose confidence in yourself
That's the worst thing you can do
After a while there's nothing left
Worthless as an old, worn out shoe
Stop worrying so much and live
A bit of happiness is never small
Focus more on what you can give
God said he'd take care of it all
Live like there's no tomorrow
You never know what lies ahead
The world is full of so much sorrow
Be thankful you got out of bed
And please always remember
Give the flowers while you can
Christmas is not only in December
A token of love is so grand
Never forget where you came
Your mom and dad were the best
What they taught is still the same
Now they expect you to do the rest
Those poems you love to write
There's memories in every rhyme
When you're gone they're still in sight
It's your way of leaving them behind
Just like those quilts you've made
They're keepsakes for many a home
On each bed so cherished and laid
Maybe someone will carry on
And that precious family you love
Spend as much time as you can
A treasured gift from heaven above
All part of God's master plan
Take time each day to pray
Blessings are more than you know
Talk to the one who'll stay
Close beside you wherever you go
But before you go let me say
Stop talking to yourself all the time
I heard you answer back one day
And that's a bad sign
Sometimes you get long and windy
With these pep talks in mind
Listen and don't talk constantly
This letter has gotta end sometime
Susie Swanson, 2013